速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Intro Course For Electribe

Intro Course For Electribe


檔案大小:626.2 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Intro Course For Electribe(圖1)-速報App

Watch this 21 video tutorial by electronic artist G.W. Childs, and learn how to get funky with the colorful Electribe 2 grooveboxes!

App Features:

• 58 minutes of video training

• Super clear explanations

• Offline Playback (no internet connection needed)

• Easy to navigate

Course Outline:

1. Welcome (01:32)

2. Updating your Electribe 2 (01:31)

Intro Course For Electribe(圖2)-速報App

3. Pattern Selection & Length (01:44)

4. Clear Sequence & Amp Envelope (02:26)

5. Filter Section (02:18)

6. Pattern Build (04:48)

7. Copy Pattern/Write Part (03:10)

8. Pattern Set (03:26)

9. Mixing & Tweaking Tips (03:10)

10. Modulation (03:12)

11. Touch Pad (04:33)

Intro Course For Electribe(圖3)-速報App

12. Master FX (03:16)

13. Audio Input/Filter Types (03:23)

14. Sampling (02:03)

15. Sample Editing (02:54)

16. Pattern Chaining (02:06)

17. Recording your Performance (03:45)

18. Sync In & Out with Volcas (01:57)

19. Electribe 2 with a Computer (02:36)

20. Step Input Mode (02:34)

Intro Course For Electribe(圖4)-速報App

21. Conclusion (01:08)

Intro Course For Electribe(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad